With a new visually vibrant animation style inspired by Rapunzel’s drawings in the original film, the show follows Rapunzel on her adventures as she acquaints herself with her parents, her kingdom, and the people of Corona. Along the way, her irrepressible spirit and natural curiosity about the world lead her to realize that there is so much more she needs to learn before she can accept her royal destiny as Princess of Corona.
Rapunzel's relatable, heartfelt and comedic stories model the importance of building and nurturing relationships, and of exploration and self-discovery. With her strength, confidence, positive disposition and creativity, she is a role model for young viewers who are learning to take on new responsibilities just as she is.
To celebrate Rapunzel’s grand return across Southeast Asia, Disney Channel presents the multi-platform character hunt Tangled Quest. From 21 May to 30 June, kids and families can take part by snapping a picture of Rapunzel, Eugene, Maximus or Pascal with the Tangled Quest insignia on Disney Channel and Disney-owned social platforms and upload it on the Tangled Quest website (www.tangledquest.com). 80 lucky winners will stand a chance to win exclusive Tangled-themed goody bags.
The series features songs produced by Academy Award-winning Disney Legend Alan Menken, who also composed the songs from the feature film.
About Disney Channels Southeast Asia
Disney Channels Southeast Asia is responsible for the management, creative development and commercial operations of Disney owned channels across all media platforms in Southeast Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brunei, Palau, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines). Its flagship service Disney Channel is a 24-hour kid-driven, family inclusive television network that taps into the world of kids and families through animated series, originals and movies. Disney Channel is available to millions of viewers around the world across various platforms. Disney Channel is part of the Disney/ABC Television Group.
For more information, log on to www.disney.ph
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