InLife Launches Campaign for an Un-Sandwiched Generation

"Leave and cleave" typically refers to a husband and wife leaving their respective families to form their own. This concept emphasizes prioritizing the new family's needs over those of their original families. However, in the Philippines, it is common practice to support one's parents and siblings while building one's own family. This phenomenon is known as the Sandwich Generation.

The Sandwich Generation

The "Sandwich Generation" describes individuals who find themselves responsible for looking after their parents while simultaneously raising their own family. A growing number of Filipinos, aged between their early 20s and early 50s, belong to this group, which numbers in the millions.

While this is a global issue, the Sandwich Generation in the Philippines faces unique challenges.

Unique Challenges in the Philippines

Due to cultural and societal factors, many Filipinos not only take care of their parents but also other family members from the previous generation (grandparents, uncles, and aunts). They are raising their own families while financially supporting extended family members, including nephews, nieces, and other younger relatives.

InLife: The Un-Sandwiched Generation Campaign

InLife, the country's first and largest Filipino life insurance company, has launched a campaign to aid the Filipino Sandwich Generation in "un-sandwiching" their lives. Called InLife: The Un-Sandwiched Generation, this initiative aims to empower the Sandwich Generation with resources and tools for financial planning and management, education planning, caregiving resources, mental health and self-care, and insurance knowledge. These resources are accessible through various channels, including a new microsite on the InLife website, guides, webinars, podcasts, and other content forms.

Long-term Commitment

According to InLife Chief Marketing Officer Gae L. Martinez, this is InLife’s long-term commitment to support the Sandwich Generation. "The InLife Sandwich Generation campaign acknowledges the strength and resilience of these unsung heroes who balance the responsibilities of taking care of their elders while also raising the younger generation. We promise to stand by the millions of Filipinos who are part of the Sandwich Generation. Our goal is to help them un-sandwich themselves and future generations, enabling them to live a Lifetime for Good."

The InLife Product Ecosystem

The campaign highlights how financial literacy and planning for the future can help Filipinos break free from this cycle while still supporting their elders and ensuring a good future for themselves. InLife offers insurance products designed to address various future challenges.

  • InLife’s Abundance is a savings and insurance plan payable in either five or ten years, offering guaranteed cash payouts for 20 years or until the age of 65. The guaranteed cash payouts are equal to 10% of the sum insured and paid every two years starting at the end of the 7th policy year for the 5-pay variant, and on the 11th year for the 10-pay variant until the plan matures.

  • InLife’s Resilience is a critical illness plan that provides life insurance and guaranteed lump sum cash upon diagnosis of a critical illness, along with additional health benefits. This plan serves as a cushion against significant medical bills that could impact the family’s finances.

  • Wealth Assure Plus offers a versatile and flexible way to combine life protection and investment, allowing individuals to tailor their financial plans based on their needs and budget.

“InLife’s product ecosystem is designed to address the pivotal financial milestones of Filipinos. We offer a roadmap to navigate this challenging journey. With this approach, we provide a lifeline that will help them un-sandwich themselves and liberate them from the pressures of multi-generational financial responsibilities, giving them financial independence not just for themselves but also for their loved ones,” Martinez shared.

Members of the Sandwich Generation can find more information on customizing solutions to their needs by visiting InLife.

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