To some of us, it may be a surprise to hear that the process of actually getting pregnant can be astonishingly complicated. Recognising what day is best for fertility, how women’s hormones and temperature fluctuate, and knowing the array of vitamins and supplements necessary can be overwhelming. But a simple step many people overlook is that of monitoring your fertility.
However, this is when the power of modern technology proves most useful! Apps on smartphones offer an easy approach to monitoring your fertility, but they’re only as good as the information you put in: forgetting a couple of days or missing the start of your period can distort their calculations. Similarly, good old pen and paper proves ineffective for irregular periods as the consistency of the menstrual cycle is variable. A more accurate answer is buying a fertility monitor.
Fertility monitors are clinically proven to help predict your ovulation accurately, and often come with additional help for different aspects of getting pregnant- for example, tracking the effects of your medicine on your hormones. This is an effective method of fertility tracking that helps women that are also “new to the whole thing and want some affirmation that everything’s happening normally”, Dr Rebecca Flyckt argues. Of course, fertility in both partners is essential- don’t limit the fertility monitoring to just the woman, as new technology is available for the testing and tracking of male fertility too.
While the average couple conceives after about five or six months of trying, those with monitoring practice greatly improve their odds. The NHS suggests that alongside this, maintaining a healthy diet and exercising is crucial for not just daily life, but for those attempting pregnancy too. Laying the groundwork before trying to get pregnant is helpful as well; by visiting a doctor or midwife and scheduling a preconception check-up helps acknowledge and remove any obstacles in the way of your pregnancy. As with anything, planning, and preparation massively alleviates stress and anxiety, and undeniably helps with regards to pregnancy!
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