Cars have become prevalent and important nowadays especially in developing countries such as ours because we are commercializing at a pace like never before and it is an easy, comfortable and safe mode of transportation. In the Philippines where public transportation encounters a lot of troubles most of the times, people would find their daily commutes stress-free and hassle-free with their own car plus they can enjoy the liberty and independence that comes with it.
But owning a car, just like any other privilege comes with a responsibility. Apart from providing a garage for the car and securing all the pertinent and legal documents a car owner needs, another responsibility that comes with it is having car insurance.
Having car insurance in the Philippines is one way to manage the risk of accidents which may happen anytime, anywhere regardless of how skilled a driver is. It protects the owner from unexpected expenses in case the car gets damaged, stolen, or when a rider and driver gets injured. Ideally, car insurance is meant to spare motorists from spending thousands on repairs or hospital bills. Further, it gives you peace of mind every time you hit the road.
In the Philippines, insurance apart from the one issued by the LTO is not mandatory unlike in other countries where it is illegal not to insure your car. If you don’t have it, you could be fined or disqualified from driving.
To a family like ours which is now getting bigger and bigger and the needs also increases everyday, buying a decent car is a practical way to make things done daily - from bringing the kids to school and fetching them after, to traveling for grocery shopping, for hanging out with family and friends to a more important travels such as family vacation in the province and daily travel for business or work. A lot of our actions are dependent on public transport, therefore, buying our own car would be a wise decision and apart from planning what type and brand would perfectly suit the needs of our family, it also came across our mind to choose the best third-party insurance that there is in the country.
Of all the car insurances we have inquired and researched online, Automaster by Malayan Insurance impressed us the most. Automaster is a comprehensive car insurance policy in the Philippines which safeguards vehicle against accidents from natural calamities, theft and automobile damage among others. It also provides protection for the driver and the passengers for a worry-free journey.
Here are Automaster's wide-range coverage features and high-performance services.
Malayan takes pride in its claims settlement reputation. Protect yourself from automobile damage or theft with the Automaster.
Driving is a big responsibility; you always run the risk of accidentally hurting someone or damaging another person's property. Malayan's car insurance in the Philippines shoulders these risks to keep you on the move. Enjoy coverage for Excess Bodily Injury of up to Php 500,000.00 or Property Damage of up to Php 500,000.00.
Protect yourself and your passengers from expenses arising from vehicular accidents. Automaster will provide Accident protection of up to Php 50,000.00 and Medical Reimbursement of up to Php 5,000.00 per person. Whichever package you choose, Automaster provides Personal Accident protection for 5 persons (including the driver) for Private Vehicles and 8 persons (including the driver) for Commercial Vehicles.
Secure your vehicle against the forces of nature. This car insurance policy in the Philippines will protect your vehicle against damages directly caused by typhoon, flood, hurricane, volcanic eruption, earthquake or other convulsions of nature.
Protect your vehicle against the perils of social unrest and lawless elements. This cover will respond to loss or damages to your vehicle arising out of riots, strikes, or malicious damage done intentionally or unintentionally by third parties.
Automaster provides free protection for your vehicle's standard accessories such as mags, audio and components, and aircon.
Automaster can be enhanced to cover special accessories like bullbar, CD Changer, spoilers, customized magwheels, etc. All you need to do is declare the values, and flow the formula to complete your advantage.
Gear up for the extra-mile advantage our car insurance policy provides. With the Loss of Use, you can get as much as Php 500.00 reimbursable transportation allowance per day for a maximum of 15 days, while your car is undergoing accident-related repairs. Reimbursements will be counted on the fourth day of surrendering your vehicle to the repair shop!
Accessibility of repair shops is a must to keep you on the lead. That's why we have over 160 accredited repair shops all over the country.
With all these features, how can you not trust Automaster? We should always bear in mind that the road we travel every day is long, winding and uncertain; but with insurance that comprehensively covers you, your car and your passenger/s, you are making your journey more secure and less difficult.
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